Friday, October 18, 2013
I was amazed by the amount of misinformation in the above blog. I can’t imagine it was written by anyone with a scientific background. The statement that the average penis is between 3 and 5 inches is about as accurate and misleading as saying the average American male is 5’9” when the range of average is 5’3” to 6’9”. The point there is a big difference between four inches and six inches – about 50%
The confusion lies in equating average with normal.
Normal is best thought of in terms of function a normal penis has a shape and a size that allows the person to function with it as it was meant to function.
A normal penis can be small or large and, if you will medium in size and still function “normally” the other reason that measurement can be misleading is that even though the size maybe the same it looks different on different bodies!
It is correct that there is little support & scientifically for nonsurgical methods and they do damage.
There is for surgery. Surgery, called Phalloplasty, is recognized by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery as safe and effective. It is given that is should be done a well-trained and experienced certified surgeon. It is also a given that not everyone us a good candidate for surgery just because he has a penis.
I have been doing cosmetic phalloplasty for over 20 years and over seven thousand cases. I know it works on the properly selected patient.
This is too serious a subject not to devote my time and energy to improve the quality of life and relieve the pain that men really suffer with.
Dr. G
Looks does matter
Do you have a dream? I do………..
That no man or woman should suffer the needles indignity of feeling insecure or inferior about their physical appearance. We’ve all heard the phrase “looks don’t matter”. Let’s go to the real world – looks do matter, not only how others view us but most importantly how we view ourselves – our own self image!
We all feel insecure about something. It is well known that even some of those considered extremely handsome or beautiful are among the most afflicted; for example Marilyn Monroe. Needless to day, this is not the forum for the psychiatric examination so I will just stick to the facts, not the reasons. Whether it is a feature, you don’t like such a big nose, ears that stick out, signs of aging face or neck excess fat, small breasts, or even a small penis. You don’t need to suffer. If is my dream (and my job) to help you feel better about yourself.
Do you want to become the you that you always wanted to be?
Then talk to me -!
S.X. Giunta, M.D.
Hi Folks,
Today I want to share some really great news with you.
I am hoping that what I am going to report to you could be a BREAKTHROUGH in treating areas where defects that are essentially “holes” in the soft flesh are left after removing bad things like skin cancer ugly scars or injuries.
Let me tell you about “Barbara” (not her real name).
I was doing Face Lift on her when I spotted a small “spot” on her cheek near her eye, she was vaguely aware of it but didn’t pay much attention to it. I didn’t like the look of it, so I biopsied it. The pathology showed a skin cancer called – Basal Cell Carcinoma. These tend to go below the surface and spread out. The standard treatment is called MOHS Chemotherapy (name after Dr. Mohs who devised it).
This is removing small bits of tissue a little at time and checking it right then & there under a microscope until all the cancer is removed. Then the defect that is left is dealt with.
In “Barbara’s” case a large hole over the side of the cheek near the corner of her eye was left. Closing the defect by standard surgery would leave a possibly unsightly scar and pull down the corner of her eye.
I am a great believer in Mother Nature being the greatest healer. This would mean let the body heal this wound and deal with fixing a much smaller defect rather than fixing it right away – usually leaving a large scar.
Since I have had a large experience with using ADULT STEM CELLS extracted from the person’s own fat and using them in my free fat grafting procedure to enlarge penis size I decided to fill the defect that went to almost down to the cheek bone with her fat own bits of fat along with the stem cells, I then covered the area with an antibiotic dressing.
To make a long story short – this healed completely leaving no noticeable defect or scar in about three weeks. (see photos)
She has been completely healed and no scar is visible – she is almost a year after the procedure now.
This is so EXCITING
I am continuing to work on the use of adult FAT derived STEM CELLS in healing.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or your ideas.
“Without Wax”*
Stephen X. Giunta, M.D.
What does that mean???
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